
A blog from Schubbe Resch Chiropractic and Physical Therapy.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Prevention of Low Back Pain

There are a number of things that each of us can do to help prevent episodes of low back pain.  Here is a basic list that can keep your back healthy.
  1. Increase your core stability.  Strengthen the muscles of your trunk to keep your spine and body stable.  Benefits include better posture, a balanced body, more efficient and powerful movement, and less likelihood of  becoming injured.
  2. Follow an exercise program that includes aerobic conditioning and strengthening exercises.
  3. Maintain good posture when standing or sitting.
  4. Monitor your sleeping position.  Don't sleep on your stomach, use a pillow between your legs or under your knees if you sleep on your side or back.
  5. Maintain a healthy weight.
  6. Lift properly.
  7. Quit smoking.
Schubbe Resch's Six Weeks to Wellness Program was designed to meet the specific health and wellness needs of our patients.  We can design a program just for you to help you prevent back pain and keep exercising.  Talk to one of our chiropractors if you are interested.

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