What are Upper Crossed Syndrome and Lower Crossed Syndrome?
Join Dr. Will Curtis on Thursday, March 15th and Thursday, March 29th to learn about two of the most common postural related syndromes affecting people today. Dr. Curtis will be presenting a two part series discussing the causes of Upper Crossed Syndrome (UCS) and Lower Crossed Syndrome (LCS). He will break down the causes of these two syndromes, demonstrate his favorite exercises/stretches for each issue, and discuss treatment protocols. There is no need for any scientific background or knowledge as seminar will focus on easy to understand terms and descriptions.
The whole family is welcome and everyone can benefit from this information - especially teenagers who are constantly on their cellphones! The talks begin at 5:30 and will last 30-45 minutes with time for questions at the end. This is also a great opportunity to learn more about chiropractic!
Seminar highlights and benefits:
- Learn the most common posture related mistakes people make each and every day
- Stop dealing with constant low grade pain
- End the daily headaches
- Decrease muscle tension and tightness
- Increase range of motion
- Learn the proper exercises and stretches for the upper and lower back that will help you lead a more healthy, pain free life.
- Learn how to RESET your posture
You can sign up for one or both of these free seminars by calling 920-738-0200, emailing patientservices@schubbeappleton.com or registering online here