
A blog from Schubbe Resch Chiropractic and Physical Therapy.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Does Sleeping Position Matter?

Did you realize that you spend 1/3 of your life sleeping?  Are you sleeping in a position that allows you the best sleep possible?  Does it really matter which position you sleep in?  The answer to the last question is YES!

There are three main sleeping positions – on your side, on your back, and on your stomach.  Let’s look at how each of these sleeping positions may affect you.

Sleeping on your back:

Sleeping on your back is a great position because it allows you to support your head, neck, and lower back area.  If you have lower back stiffness or discomfort, try sleeping with a few pillows or a wedge under your knees.  If you use a cervical support pillow, your head and neck will be supported in the position that produces the least amount of stress on your cervical spine.

Sleeping on your side:

Many people find sleeping on their side the most comfortable.  And many people who start out sleeping on their back will tend to end up sleeping on their sides.  To make this position supportive, use a cervical support pillow that is the correct height for your body type.  If your pillow is too low, your head will tilt down.  If your pillow is too high, your neck will be uncomfortably stretched.  Most cervical pillows have different height options to chose from in one pillow so you are sure to find a comfortable fit.  To make the side lying sleeping position even more comfortable, consider sleeping with a pillow or leg spacer between your knees.  This will align your legs hip width apart and will properly support your lower back region.

Sleeping on your stomach:

Under most circumstances, this is THE WORST sleeping position for you!  Consider that your neck and head will be turned to one side for a prolonged period of time.  This places extra stress on your cervical spine and your upper back area.  The result is morning stiffness, headache, and neck pain.  Using a cervical pillow makes it very difficult to sleep on your stomach, and many patients will use a cervical pillow to help break them of this nasty sleep habit.

Obviously, most people will start sleeping in one position and move to other positions during the night.  However, if you can train yourself to limit your sleeping to back and side lying positions, you will do your spine a big favor.  We also strongly recommend that our patients use a cervical pillow.  The pillow will pay for itself as it will help reduce your morning pain and stiffness and probably your visits to the chiropractor too!

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