
A blog from Schubbe Resch Chiropractic and Physical Therapy.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Chiropractic for Sprains and Strains? Of Course!

Strains and sprains are caused when a joint is forced beyond its normal range of motion, or when you overuse muscles that are out of shape or haven't been warmed up properly.  Back strain can occur when you suddenly twist your back or lift without bending your knees.

A strain occurs when a muscle or tendon is overstretched.  Strains are usually caused by putting stress on tight or weak muscles.

A sprain is a tear in a ligament.  Sprains are caused by a sudden, forceful twisting of a joint.  If the tissue doesn't heal properly, the muscles may shorten.  This causes the joint to misalign and the nerves become chronically irritated.

Your doctor of chiropractic is trained to restore the health of your spine and joints.  Adjustments and related treatments can help reduce the pain and swelling of strains and sprains, and improve the range of motion in your joints.

Your treatment depends on where your pain is and what's causing it.  Your chiropractor may stretch the tissues in the joint or press on the joints to restore alignment, improve range of motion, and relieve irritated nerves.

Your chiropractor may also suggest other types of treatment to reduce pain, restore range of motion, and regain strength.  These other treatments may involve physical therapy, trigger point therapy, a splint or cast, rest, ice, ultrasound, or exercises.

The best way to prevent strains and sprains is to keep your body in shape.  Exercise at least three times per week.  Walking and swimming are good, low-impact choices.  Always warm up before and cool down afterward.  Your chiropractor may also give you exercises to strengthen and stabilize joints.

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