
A blog from Schubbe Resch Chiropractic and Physical Therapy.

Friday, July 29, 2011

What is Tennis Elbow?

Tennis elbow is an inflammation around the bony knob on the outer side of the elbow.  It occurs when the tissue that attaches muscle to the bone becomes irritated.  The bony know is called the lateral epicondyle, and tennis elbow is called lateral epicondylitis.


Playing a racket sport can cause tennis elbow.  So can doing anything that involves extending your wrist or rotating your forearm - such as twisting a screwdriver or lifting heavy objects with your palm down.  With age, the tissue may become inflamed more easily.


The most common symptom of tennis elbow is pain on the outer side of the elbow and down the forearm.  you may have pain all the time or only when you lift things.  The elbow may also swell, get red, or feel warm to the touch.  And it may hurt to grip things, turn your hand, or swing your arm.


Your doctor can usually diagnose tennis elbow from your symptoms and from the look and feel of your elbow.  He or she may order an x-ray to be sure the bone is not diseased or fractured.


Your treatment will depend on how inflamed your tendon is.  The goal is to relieve your symptoms and help you regain full use of your elbow.

Wearing a tennis elbow splint allows the inflamed tendon to rest, so it can heal.  Using your other hand or changing your grip also helps take stress off the tendon.  Oral anti-inflammatory medications and heat or ice can relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Your doctor may give you an exercise program or refer you to a physical therapist to gently stretch and strengthen the muscles around your elbow.  If these measures do not relieve your symptoms, your chiropractor may refer you to a different medical specialist for injections or surgery.

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